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Williamsburg Dojo has earned the reputation in Williamsburg of being the top martial arts school for enriching our students’ lives and equipping them to face life with the winning edge.
Our mission as United Way of the Virginia Peninsula is to improve the quality of life for people in our community by helping them live their best possible lives. United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community. We create Pathways Out of Poverty for our neighbors in need by bringing the community together to navigate through the Virginia Peninsula's toughest challenges.
Nonprofits We Support
The mission of United Way of the Virginia Peninsula is to improve the quality of life for people in our community by helping them live their best possible lives. United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community. TLC is a member of the United Way's Community Assistance Network. We provide up to $1000 worth of clothing for families who qualify for services through the United Way.
Located at 312 Second St in Williamsburg, FISH is a volunteer-operated, non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, and small housewares to persons in need who live in Williamsburg, James City County and York County. TLC supports FISH's mission by providing them with men's jeans and adolescent clothing as well as assisting them with disposing of their unusable textiles in a responsible manner.
There are 22 CHKD Thrift Store locations throughout Hampton Roads and Richmond, including Elizabeth City and Kitty Hawk, NC. Community support helps CHKD provide quality health care to our community children, who annually make more than 600,000 visits to CHKD Health System providers.
Located in Yorktown The Gloww Center envisions a community where single moms are nurtured and empowered to lead successful lives regardless of income or social status. TLC supports their mission by providing women's and children's clothes.
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